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I don't know how in a better way to check that my List<WebElement> has more then one item in a loop (counting by time is not prefer)

I have implemented waiter for List<WebElement> by presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy condition. It looks like:

    protected List<WebElement> waitForElements(By locator, WaitConditionForWebElements condition){

       return  elements = wait.until(condition.getType().apply(locator));


I'm stumbling over an issue that sometimes my method returns a List just with one element immediately after redirecting to a new page (page was loaded), but in a several seconds current List<WebElement> has several elements (as expected). So, I have changed my method by adding a do while statement and strange counter (note: I don't want to fasten counter to sleep time). See what I got:

protected List<WebElement> waitForElements(By locator, WaitConditionForWebElements condition){

    List<WebElement> elements;
    int counter = 1;
    do {

         elements = wait.until(condition.getType().apply(locator));



    } while ((elements.size() == 1) && (counter < 30));

    return elements;


It works, but I clearly feel that it is not a good way. Ideal, as I think, will be construction kind of default waiter (condition, wait time). Looking forward to any advice.

I have written my own Expected condition:

public class CustomExpectedCondition {

public static ExpectedCondition<List<WebElement>> moreThanOne(
        final By locator) {
    return driver -> {
        List<WebElement> elements = getDriver().findElements(locator);
        return elements.size() > 1 ? elements : null;


After that I have wrapped that in a Function<By, ExpectedCondition<List<WebElement>> :

public enum WaitConditionForWebElements {


    private final Function<By, ExpectedCondition<List<WebElement>>> type;


After that you could use it in your wait methods, for example:

protected List<WebElement> waitForElements(By locator, WaitConditionForWebElements condition){

    return wait.until(condition.getType().apply(locator));


At the end of this chain you could take a look at example in a PageObject:

private List<WebElement> buttons(){

    return waitForElements(buttonsLocator, allPresenceExtended);


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