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Liquibase loading data from csv

I want to load an entire column of my PostgreSql table with data from csv file but when I do that I get an exception saying that the primary key of my table should not be null. It looks like Liquibase is creating new rows to insert the data. Is there a way to load the data in existing rows ?

DatabaseChangeLog dbChangeLog = new DatabaseChangeLog();
Liquibase liquibase = new Liquibase(dbChangeLog, new FileSystemResourceAccessor(), database);
ChangeSet loadChangeSet = new ChangeSet(id + "", "nasri", false, false, "", "", "", liquibase.getDatabaseChangeLog());

LoadDataChange loadDataChange = new LoadDataChange();
loadDataChange.setResourceAccessor(new FileSystemResourceAccessor());

String path = context.getBundle().getVersion() + "." + key + "." + columnKey + "." + targetFieldKey + ".csv";


LoadDataColumnConfig columnConfig = new LoadDataColumnConfig();

There is a class thats called: LoadUpdateDataChange

The description says:

Loads or updates data from a CSV file into an existing table. Differs from loadData by issuing a SQL batch that checks for the existence of a record. If found, the record is UPDATEd, else the record is INSERTed. Also, generates DELETE statements for a rollback.

Looks like it should do what you are looking for (I have not used this myself though).

To update records, LoadUpdateDataChange is not working for me. Its always trying to insert new records.It won't update existing records.

If want to update existing records, you should use like below.

<update tableName="someTable">

   <column name="update_column_name" value="updated value" />

   <where> primaryKey = condition</where>


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