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C# Parse XML with repeated pattern of nodes

Hi I have the following xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Category Cause="ONE">
        <Resource Component="AAA" Name="cBackgroundTextA" />
        <Resource Component="BBB" Name="cBackgroundTextB" />
        <Resource Component="CCC" Name="cBackgroundTextC" />
    <Category Cause="TWO">
        <Resource Component="DDD" Name="cBackgroundTextD" />
        <Resource Component="EEE" Name="cBackgroundTextE" />
        <Resource Component="FFF" Name="cBackgroundTextF" />
    <Category Cause="THREE">
        <Resource Component="GGG" Name="cBackgroundTextG" />
        <Resource Component="HHH" Name="cBackgroundTextH" />
        <Resource Component="III" Name="cBackgroundTextI" />

How can i get the following:

ONE , AAA , cBackgroundTextA

ONE , BBB , cBackgroundTextB

ONE , CCC , cBackgroundTextC

TWO , DDD , cBackgroundTextD

TWO , EEE , cBackgroundTextE


Try something along the line:

XElement root;

foreach(var folder in root.Children()) { //For each folder
    var folderType = folder.Attribute("type").Value;
    foreach(var file in folder.Children()) { //For each  file

        Console.WriteLine($"{folderType} AND {file}");

I finally managed to get the values by:

xmlDocument = new XDocument();
xmlDocument = XDocument.Load(filePath, LoadOptions.None);

var categoryNodeList = XmlDocument.Descendants("Category");

    foreach (XElement categoryItem in categoryNodeList)
        foreach (XElement resourceItem in categoryItem.Elements())
            var XmlObject = new ResultDetail
                Cause = categoryItem.Attribute("Cause").Value,
                Component = resourceItem.Attribute("Component").Value,
                Name = resourceItem.Attribute("Name").Value

All required information can be gathered using single LINQ query :

var query = from cat in XmlDocument.Descendants("Category");
            from res in cat.Elements()
            select new ResultDetail
                        Cause = cat.Attribute("Cause").Value,
                        Component = res.Attribute("Component").Value,
                        Name = res.Attribute("Name").Value

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