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Spring JPA + Hibernate Search : How update the Search Index(Lucene) only?

I use Spring JPA + Hibernate Search to implement persistant and search in my application.

I have models like this

public class FeatureMeta {

    private Long id;

    private String uri;

    private String name;

    private String businessDesc;

    private String logicalDesc;


    private Long totalDownloads;



To give the idea about this class, "FeatureMeta" maintains meta-data information which updates very rarely.

However the field "totalDownloads" is constantly changing whenever user download information about this "feature". Basically "totalDownloads" is not part of the meta-data but I had to put this field in the model because I need to show the "totalDownloads" in the search result of "feature search".

I use same JPA Repository which updates both MySQL and Lucene index.

My question is ; Is it possible to only update the "totalDownloads" in the Lucene Index but not the entity in MySQL whenever change is done to the "totalDownloads" field ?

You'll have to use the @Transient annotation to mark that you don't want this attribute part of your database model.

private Long totalDownloads;

Making the field transient also means it won't be loaded from the database (completely ignored by Hibernate ORM, but not by Hibernate Search); if that's not what you intended you could add an additional field: map one to Hibernate ORM and the other indexed with Hibernate Search and annotated with @Transient. In this case you'll have to make the setter update both fields.

You will likely need to change this configuration property too:

hibernate.search.enable_dirty_check = false

as Hibernate Search will otherwise not generate any change in the Lucene index, in case the entity has no other changes.

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