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How to insert dynamically through a variable in PL/SQL?

Lets create a table first

create table test
  id number,
  name varchar2(20)

Now during insert, I want to hold the data into variable first & then dynamically pass the variable into the VALUES clause like this:

  v_data varchar2(50);
  execute immediate 'insert into test values(v_data)';

But its showing some errors(Not enough values)...... plz help how to achieve this??

Table test has two columns. You're only inserting one and not naming which column it is hence "not enough values". So you need:

INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES (data)

or probably better is to put in an ID:

INSERT INTO test (id, name) VALUES (1, data)

or simply:

INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, data)

For this kind of thing though I would use a cursor rather than dynamic SQL (or even inline SQL).

You need to use different variables for each value

  v_data1 number
  v_data2 varchar2(50);
  v_data1 :=1
  v_data2 = 'sunny'; 

  insert into test values(v_data1,v_data2);
  -- Alternatively insert into test (Name) values (v_data2);

The normal way to pass values into dynamic SQL statements is with bind variables like this:

   v_id integer;
   v_name varchar2(50);
   v_id := 1;
   v_name := 'sunny';
   execute immediate
      'insert into test (id, name) values(:b1, :b2)'
      using v_id, v_name; 

That needs one variable per value.

Your approach works, but you need to adjust your query a little:

execute immediate 'insert into test values(' || v_data|| ')';

so that the contents of your v_data variable are actually inserted into the string, not the value "v_data" itself.

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