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IIS: add binding to Default Web Site

I just started looking at IIS on Windows10.

I have a stupid question. I added a binding to Default Web Site ("www.test.com") in IIS Manager.

I was expecting to see the default page when browsing to this url, but it took me instead to an actual existing page.

Can anyone explain me why?

If you've added www.test.com to your bindings, clients (like your web browser on the same system) still don't know that IIS hosts the site.

see this: Setting up a Host File - Faking URLs

This is useful when dealing with multiple sites:

Site 1:

  • test.com
  • www.test.com
  • www2.test.com

Site 2:

  • another.url.com

with just listening to a single IP, you cannot control which request ends up at which site, this is what the binding solves

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