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Binding net.pipe to Default Web Site via IIS

When I attempt to set up appfabric to link up to my application and monitor and track and tract it, I get an error stating

“Workflow persistence is not functional because the net.pipe binding is not enabled for this web site.”

Now according to This Website I need to enable the net.pipe bindings for a site. It says that To enable the net.pipe binding for a site, right-click the site in the Connections pane of IIS Manager, click Edit Bindings, and add net.pipe with binding information of “*”.

I go to Default Web Site, right click and click edit bindings, but am unsure how binding information plays into it. I see site bindings, one of them http no host name, port 80, ipaddress of * and no binding information. When I click add I can put in a host name, put in a port, select an ip address, and select a type (http or https). Where would I edit the binding information to make it * and thus no longer show the error with appfabric.

Thanks in advance!

In fact, it's depending on IIS and/or Windows Server version.

As a prerequisite, you have to enable Net Pipe Activation first. You can add it via windows feature or Server manager.


Here is the illustrated explanation :

First, Go to the Advanced settings on your Web Site. Under IIS manager, it's on the right after you select your WebSite.


In Enabled Protocols , add net.pipe (default is http)


At the end, Add a new Bidning (Right Pane when you select your web site), and add a net.pipe binding with a wildcard "*" for Bidning Informaiton.


That's all.

Cybermaxs basically has the correct answer, with one minor caveat in my experience: You might need to do an iisreset before things will work (that is, click win + R , and enter iisreset , or just run iisreset in a command line window).

As a bonus, what follows is the equivalent of what Cybermaxs included, only from Windows 8. Search for "Turn windows features on or off" to open this window:


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