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typescript; promise return type mismatch

I have a method that compiled fine when i was running the beta of angular 2. now that i upgraded to v4, I'm getting an error I can't seem to solve.

  return this.authHttp.get(this.presentationBaseUrl + "presignedUploadURL?file-name="+ encodeURIComponent(file.name))         <<<<< error here
    .then( data => {
      var uploadURL = data.json().signedRequest,
      fileURL = data.json().url;

      return this.http.put(uploadURL, file)
              .then(response =>{
                return Promise.resolve(fileURL)
    .catch (this.handleError);

I get Type 'Promise<Response>' is not assignable to type 'Promise<String>'.

As far as I can tell my method returns a string at the end of the promise chain (return Promise.resolve(fileURL))

I have a guess and it is a hack as there are probably better solutions, but you could attempt to bypass the compiler error by casting the resolved promise to any...

Try this:

return this.http.put(uploadURL, file)
          .then(response =>{
            return Promise.resolve(fileURL) as any;

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