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How would I display a Json data from my Http get request file onto a blank html page

I created a js file that allow me to retrieve/output the data from an api, how would i display this file to a html page.

was using node.js to compile my data through the terminal

If you guys know a bunch a method , please link me it. thank you.

var realmStatus = " http://api.dol.gov/V1/Statistics/OES/OE_OCCUPATION/?KEY=1ce7650d-b131-4fb7-91b3-b7761efc8cd4 ";

var http = require("http");
var options = {
        host: 'api.dol.gov',
        path: realmStatus,
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: 'json',
        accept: 'application/json'

var x = http.request(options,function(res){

        data =JSON.stringify(data.toString());
        data =JSON.parse(data.toString());


if you're using Node try installing the Pug (formerly Jade) package. Then you can pretty easily pass the JSON to a pug page that renders HTML. https://pugjs.org/api/getting-started.html

A little but more detail would be helpful, but I think what you need is simply to make a html page and include the js file as a script? If you want to constantly display updated data from a request make a function that updates a div on the html page. Somthing like,

HTML: index.html

<head><script src="/path/to/js/file">..</head>
<div id="data"></div>

JS: file.js

var callback = function(data){
 if (data) document.getElementById('data').innerhtml = JSON.stringify(data);
var api_call = ajax_request(callback);

If it is an included JS file in the head, I think @Daniel's answer above should work for you.

If it's a call to API, you can consider using jQuery AJAX call and display the response data in a Div tag Basic Implementation


<div id="div1"></div>


$.ajax({url: "domain.com/api", success: function(result){

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