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spawn: How to pass arguments to spawn within an expect script?

I just have a bigger bash-script where I stumbled into a problem, to use ssh to connect to another computer. That one is visited first time (always, really ;) ) and therefore asks The authenticity of host '[]:9022 ([]:9022)' can't be established. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

So I tried to answer this question using an additional expect/spawn script.

So I have two files: deploy.sh

... Some functions and more
# call expect script to get a first time onto the target
/usr/bin/expect -d -f ./deployImage_helper.exp -- -p 9022 root@


#!/usr/bin/env expect  -f
set args [lrange $argv 1 end]
spawn ssh {*}$args
expect "The authenticity of host'[]([]:9022)' can't be established."
send "yes"

If I run deploy.sh I get the error message: invalid command name ""

Somehow I don't get spawn running ssh .

Any help would be appreciated.


Changed deploy.sh line 4

set args [lrange $argv 1 end]
spawn ssh {*}$args
expect -re {The authenticity of .* can't be established.} {
    send "yes"


Inside "" variables and square brakets [] (evaluate command inside brackets and place result instead), will be expanded and evaluated. You need quote square brackets \\[ or use {} instead of "" . BTW, you can supress asking this question (only warning showing) by openssh options:

ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 9022 root@

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