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Bridging 'NSNumber' to 'Int' warning

Is this warning anything that I should be concerned about?


If so what would be a solution? this is my function :

 override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    if let destination = segue.destination as? ProfileViewController{
    let cell = sender as! UITableViewCell
        let selectedRow = myTableView.indexPath(for: cell)!.row

        switch (mySegmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex){
        case 0:
            destination.nameVar = userSFList[selectedRow].name!
            destination.imageOneURL = userSFList[selectedRow].image!
            destination.bioVar = userSFList[selectedRow].bio!

            if let image2 = userSFList[selectedRow].imageTwo  {
               destination.imageTwoUrl = image2                }

            if let contactInt = userSFList[selectedRow].contact as? Int {
                destination.contact = contactInt


        case 1:

            destination.nameVar = userEBList[selectedRow].name!
            destination.imageOneURL = userEBList[selectedRow].image!
             destination.imageTwoUrl = userEBList[selectedRow].imageTwo!

            if let contactInt = userEBList[selectedRow].contact as? Int {
                destination.contact = contactInt

        case 2:
            destination.nameVar = userSFOList[selectedRow].name!
            destination.imageOneURL = userSFOList[selectedRow].image!

            if let contactInt = userSFOList[selectedRow].contact as? Int {
                destination.contact = contactInt

        case 3:
            destination.nameVar = userSJList[selectedRow].name!
            destination.imageOneURL = userSJList[selectedRow].image!
                     if let contactInt = userSJList[selectedRow].contact as? Int {
                destination.contact = contactInt



I am using a segmented control with four different segments and pulling the data using firebase.

My personal rule is always zero warnings .
Better safe than sorry.

Is contact an Optional ? If so...

You could use Optional Binding :

if let contactInt = userSFOList[selectRow].contact as? Int {
  destination.contact = contactInt

Or the Nil-Coalescing Operator :

destination.contact = userSFOList[selectedRow].contact.intValue ?? <Your default Int here>

You could also use guard as pointed out by @Kamil.S, like:

guard let nameVar = userSFOList[selectedRow].name,
  let imageVar = userSFOList[selectedRow].image,
  let contactVar = contact as? Int else {
    // Conditions were failed. `return` or `throw`.

destination.nameVar = nameVar
destination.imageOneURL = imageVar
destination.contact = contactVar

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