I have a C# app where the user fills a form to store a product in a SQL Server database. The problem is that every time a product is stored (through ...
I have a C# app where the user fills a form to store a product in a SQL Server database. The problem is that every time a product is stored (through ...
I have a table with a column called PtObjId of the INT data type. From my understanding by looking at the thread located Microsoft Documentation here ...
I made a button that plus the x axis with 50 if i press it.If i press the button tho it doesn't move,yes it changes the value but doesn't move. I trie ...
i am trying to solve a problem in hackerearth and the below code is giving me an error: "int" object is not subscriptable- at line 4 (if(dp[g][p][d] ...
I am getting the following error in my code. confirmed_India, recovered_India, deaths_India are list of table that includes a predefined dataset for c ...
I stored integers in byte arrays but suddenly i got a "Required type: byte provided: int" error and some lines above not. So i tried to find out what ...
I am trying to write some code where I take each digit of a number, via an outisde function digitSep(), and place it into a vector, in this case vecto ...
a,b,c = input(a,b,c).split() would need a way to immediately convert a,b,c into int without having to do something like a = int(a) b = int(b) c = in ...
str is a pointer, why not use str for input and output? Not *str. p is a pointer, why use *p for input and output? Not p. #include<iostream> ...
Consider this snippet: I'd given an array length as the second parameter to the loop, but gave it no conditional for when to stop. The out gave the ...
My current code is : currently we dont support arrays in csv but now want to support array of any datatype by converting it to Strings. String shou ...
I am having an issue with this code, I have tried changing the data type of just about every part of it. I cant see where the error is. I am aware tha ...
I receive through the serial an ascii value used to display the rpm value of an encoder, I am trying to convert these values to an int but I am havi ...
The above code is supoose to square every digit of an integer and concatenate it that is passed in but it doesnt do that. I ran the belpow code and ...
I was writing a program and forgot to write Math.round() and when I was reviewing the code I saw this why doesn't this raise an error of required t ...
just a short question: I'm trying to handle a dataset containing only str, but the values of the str can be either real text or something like "1.0" ...
I'm trying to run a code only I don't understand this error: if AC_energy / pow == 1: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'tuple' and 'in ...
I have a doubt as suppose i have a list mixed list of elements as now if i retrieve the index value of 1 and 6 it provides me as and if i check ...
I have a socket setup in C++ that receives a stream of chars in a buffer array the characters in buffer can only be digits 0,1,...,9 or a comma ,. ...
consider input df as: to be converted as What I want to happen here is in name column from abcd_1 to abcd_3 has to be replaced by a1 based on in ...