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Display error on Jupyter notebook

I was trying to change the appearance to darker theme of my jupyter notebook, and have used below codes to replace three custom.css in three different folder, and my notebook now looks like this Notebook Appearance with no top menu displaying. Please help!

Env: Anaconda 4.2.0, python 3.5 This is the instruction I referred to: http://sherifsoliman.com/2016/01/11/theming-ipython-jupyter-notebook/

folder: ~\\Anaconda3\\Lib\\site-packages\\notebook\\static\\custom ~\\Anaconda3\\Lib\\site-packages\\jupyter_core\\tests\\dotipython_empty\\profile_default\\static\\custom ~\\Anaconda3\\Lib\\site-packages\\jupyter_core\\tests\\dotipython\\profile_default\\static


 /* Name: Base16 Flat Dark Author: Chris Kempson (http://chriskempson.com) CodeMirror template adapted for IPython Notebook by Nikhil Sonnad (https://github.com/nsonnad/base16-ipython-notebook) CodeMirror template by Jan T. Sott (https://github.com/idleberg/base16-chrome-devtools) Original Base16 color scheme by Chris Kempson (https://github.com/chriskempson/base16) */ /* Uncomment to use a custom font div#notebook, div.CodeMirror, div.output_area pre, div.output_wrapper, div.prompt { font-family: 'Custom Font Name', monospace !important; } */ /* GLOBALS */ body {background-color: #2C3E50;} a {color: #3498DB;} /* INTRO PAGE */ .toolbar_info, .list_container {color: #f5f5f5;} /* NOTEBOOK */ /* comment out this line to bring the toolbar back */ div#maintoolbar, div#header {display: none !important;} div#notebook {border-top: none;} div.input_prompt {color: #be643c;} div.output_prompt {color: #9B59B6;} div.input_area { border-radius: 0px; border: 1px solid #7F8C8D; } div.output_area pre {font-weight: normal; color: #e0e0e0;} div.output_subarea {font-weight: normal; color: #e0e0e0;} .rendered_html table, .rendered_html th, .rendered_html tr, .rendered_html td { border: 1px #e0e0e0 solid; color: #e0e0e0; } div.output_html { font-family: sans-serif; } table.dataframe tr {border: 1px #e0e0e0;} div.cell.selected {border-radius: 0px;} div.cell.edit_mode {border-radius: 0px; border: thin solid #9B59B6;} div.text_cell_render, div.output_html {color: #e0e0e0;} span.ansiblack {color: #34495E;} span.ansiblue {color: #1ABC9C;} span.ansigray {color: #BDC3C7;} span.ansigreen {color: #2ECC71;} span.ansipurple {color: #9B59B6;} span.ansired {color: #E74C3C;} span.ansiyellow {color: #F1C40F;} div.output_stderr {background-color: #E74C3C;} div.output_stderr pre {color: #f5f5f5;} .cm-s-ipython.CodeMirror {background: #2C3E50; color: #f5f5f5;} .cm-s-ipython div.CodeMirror-selected {background: #34495E !important;} .cm-s-ipython .CodeMirror-gutters {background: #2C3E50; border-right: 0px;} .cm-s-ipython .CodeMirror-linenumber {color: #95A5A6;} .cm-s-ipython .CodeMirror-cursor {border-left: 1px solid #BDC3C7 !important;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-comment {color: #be643c;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-atom {color: #9B59B6;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-number {color: #9B59B6;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-property, .cm-s-ipython span.cm-attribute {color: #2ECC71;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-keyword {color: #E74C3C;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-string {color: #F1C40F;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-operator {color: #be643c;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-builtin {color: #9B59B6;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-variable {color: #2ECC71;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-variable-2 {color: #3498DB;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-def {color: #E67E22;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-error {background: #E74C3C; color: #BDC3C7;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-bracket {color: #e0e0e0;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-tag {color: #E74C3C;} .cm-s-ipython span.cm-link {color: #9B59B6;} .cm-s-ipython .CodeMirror-matchingbracket { text-decoration: underline; color: #f5f5f5 !important;} 


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