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php/mysql trying to output a single result in codeigniter?

I am new to codeigniter and trying to get a percentage result outputted into the view of codeigntier for my project. Once I fix this, things will be much smoother. He is the model function:


public function _construct()

public function percent_specilation1($numstudent)
    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Student.JRNOption ='1'");

    $numstudent = $query->num_rows()/25; 

    if($query->num_rows() > 0){
        return $numstudent;
    return null; 


Here is the controller.

class Statscontroller extends CI_Controller {
public function _contruct(){
public function index(){

    //echo "Various stats for the Journalism department:";
    $data['Test'] = $this->Stats_model->percent_specilation1($numstudent);
   public function view($page = 'Statsview')
            if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH.'views/pages/'.$page.'.php'))
                    // Whoops, we don't have a page for that!

            //$data['title'] = ucfirst($page); 


  Here is the view
   <h1> Various Statistics for the Journalism department</h1>

  echo "Percent of students that are undecided:";   
  echo $Test; ?>

What am I doing wrong? I been trying to get it right for over an hour and I just want to output the single result from the database query. Any help you can provide would be great.. please be respectful. Thanks!

Try this code, I have updated some of code of controller and model and use primary key of student table for student_id in model query.

Update Model:


public function _construct()

public function percent_specilation1()
    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT (SELECT COUNT(s2.student_id) 
            FROM Student s2
            WHERE s2.JRNOption='1')*100/COUNT(s1.student_id) AS percentage
            FROM Student s1");

    $result = $query->row_array(); 

    return $result['percentage']; 


Updated controller:

class Statscontroller extends CI_Controller {
    public function _contruct(){
    public function index(){

        //echo "Various stats for the Journalism department:";
        $data['Test'] = $this->Stats_model->percent_specilation1();


Hope this will help you.

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