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How to update temp table data during run time AX 2012

I'm new to X++ development. I'm trying to add a field in Vendor aging report. It was done as excepted.

my problem is updating the field value during run time.

Scenario , We have a Invoice field contain "AA_BBBBBB". What I need to do is I need to split the value as AA, BBBBBB and update BBBBBB to invoice field and AA to new field (Invoice type).

Issue , Once i got the values to temptable VendAgingReportTmp in the method VendAgingReportDP\\insertVendAgingReportTmp, I'm tried to update the above scenario but code is not selecting the records from VendAgingReportTmp . Can someone help me to get this thing done.

In VendAgingReportDP class insertVendAgingReportTmp the last line of standard code is vendAgingReportTmp.insert();

If your code is before vendAgingReportTmp.insert(); You do not need to perform the update. If you put vendAgingReportTmp.update(); before vendAgingReportTmp.insert(); you get that error.

Put your code inside //YourCode and //YourCode END withhout vendAgingReportTmp.update();


/// <summary>
///    Inserts records into the temporary <c>VendAgingReportTmp</c> table.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_reverseAmountsAndHeadings">
///    A boolean value which indicates whether the column values should be     reversed.
/// </param>
private void insertVendAgingReportTmp(boolean _reverseAmountsAndHeadings)
    vendAgingReportTmp.AsOfDate = strFmt("@SYS84682",     date2StrUsr(contract.parmZeroDate(), DateFlags::FormatAll),     contract.parmDateTransactionDuedate());
    vendAgingReportTmp.HeadingAccount = strFmt("@SYS24500");
    vendAgingReportTmp.HeadingName = strFmt("@SYS7399");

    switch (contract.parmDateTransactionDuedate())
        case DateTransactionDuedate::DocumentDate : vendAgingReportTmp.HeadingDate = "@SYS2587";
        case DateTransactionDuedate::TransactionDate : vendAgingReportTmp.HeadingDate = "@SYS67";
        case DateTransactionDuedate::DueDate : vendAgingReportTmp.HeadingDate =     "@SYS14588";
        default : vendAgingReportTmp.HeadingDate = "@SYS14588";

    if (_reverseAmountsAndHeadings)

    vendAgingReportTmp.TransDate = tmpAccountSum.TransDate;
    vendAgingReportTmp.InvoiceId = tmpAccountSum.InvoiceId;
    vendAgingReportTmp.Voucher = tmpAccountSum.Voucher;
    vendAgingReportTmp.AccountNum = tmpAccountSum.AccountNum;
    vendAgingReportTmp.Name = vendTable.name();
    vendAgingReportTmp.VendAccount = tmpAccountSum.AccountNum;
    vendAgingReportTmp.Txt = tmpAccountSum.Txt;
    vendAgingReportTmp.Balance = 100;
    vendAgingReportTmp.CurrencyCode = tmpAccountSum.CurrencyCode;
    vendAgingReportTmp.VendGroup = vendTable.VendGroup;

    //YourCode END


I got a solution by adding below,

  • Added InvoiceType field to temptable VendTmpAccountSum Since this is declared as global variable.
  • Updated our custom Invoice type to InvoiceType field in VendTmpAccountSum .
  • Then insert the whole data to VendAgingReportTmp from VendTmpAccountSum table by using insert_recordset to increase the performance.


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