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PHP how to explore a multidimentional array

I have read the advanced help, sorry but I don't understand this editor!!!

I have created a multidimensional like:

[YYY] => Array
         [0] => 11.12
         [1] => 22.775000000
         [2] => 33.895
         [AABB] => Array
                 [0] => 22.12
                 [1] => 12.23000000
                 [2] => 23.895
[ZZZ] => Array
         [0] => 1.12
         [1] => 33.775000000
         [2] => 44.895
         [NNNN] => Array
                 [0] => 23.30
                 [1] => .000000000
                 [2] => 997.3

The YYY and ZZZ are the main 'records. YYY does have a subrecord AABB and ZZZ does have a subrecord NNNN. In this example they have only one sub record but every main record can have one or more subrecords.

The result should be like this (sorry I don't understand the editor although if I read the advanced help it should work with |s and -s???):

  <table> <tr> <th> kolom 1</th><th>Kolom 2</th><th>Kolom 4</th><th>Kolom 4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>YYY</td><td>11.12</td><td>22.775000000</td><td>33.895</td> </tr> <tr> <td>- AABB</td><td>22.12</td><td>12.23000000</td><td>23.895</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ZZZ</td><td>1.12</td><td>33.775000000</td><td>44.895</td> </tr> <tr> <td>- NNNN</td><td>23.30</td><td>.000000000</td><td>997.3</td> </tr> </table> 

I hope that is clear what I want. Sorry for layout but again I don't understand how this editor works.

I'm trying todo with a foreach loop like (I have simplified it, to make it more clear):

foreach($aMarktWaardeExposure as $sLevel3 => $aLevel4) { 
        echo '<td><strong>'.$sLevel3.'</strong></td>'; //main record
        foreach($aLevel4 as $sLevel4) { 
                echo $sLevel4.'<br />'; //Sub record

I hope that someone can help me out.



Maybe something like this:


$array = [
    'YYY' => [
        0 => 11.12,
        1 => 22.775000000,
        2 => 33.895,
        'AABB' => [
            0 => 22.12,
            1 => 12.23000000,
            2 => 23.895,

    'ZZZ' => [
        0 => 1.12,
        1 => 33.775000000,
        2 => 44.895,
        'NNNN' => [
            0 => 23.30,
            1 => .000000000,
            2 => 997.3
<style type="text/css">
table td{
    border: 1px solid red;

    <?php foreach($array as $row): ?>
            <?php foreach($row as $cell): ?>
                    <?= is_array($cell) ? implode('<br>', $cell) : $cell ?>
            <?php endforeach; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>



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