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Tomcat error: bean's property cant be found

Tomcat indicates error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /AccueilEmploye.jsp at line 10

7: <body>
8:  <p>
9:  Accueil pour:${masession.type }<br>
10:     Votre id: ${masession.idemp }<br>
11:     Bienvenu<br>
12:     ${message}<br>
13:     email: ${masession.email }<br>

This is the AccueilEmploye.jsp file.

    Accueil pour:${masession.type }<br>
    Votre id: ${masession.idemp }<br> <%-- ERROR HERE --%>
    email: ${masession.email }<br>
    Mot de passe: ${masession.mdp}<br>
    Nom: ${masession.nom}<br>
    Prenom: ${masession.prenom }<br>
    Departement:${masession.dept }

Can't figure out where's the problem, Error says that the property idemp isnt available in the bean, while it is there.

public class Utilisateur {
private String nom;
private String prenom;
private String email;
private String dept;
private String poste;
private String agence;
private String mdp;
//private int id_emp;
private String type;
private Timestamp date_inscr;
private int idemp;

This is the part of the servlet that sends the object emp to the View ( JSP )

else {

        request.setAttribute("message", msg);
        session.setAttribute("masession", emp);
        if (emp.getType().equals(Employe)){
        } else if (emp.getType().equals(Technicien)){
        } else if (emp.getType().equals(TechnicienR)){
        } else if (emp.getType().equals(Admin)){
        this.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(VUE).forward(request, response);

I think the problem might be in the getter of the attribute you're trying to access. The newest jsp ${...} syntax accesses the attribute throught it's getter. So, if you want to access attribute idemp in jsp using ${masession.idemp} , you need to have a getter named getIdemp() in the respectful class.

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