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Store a const reference, whenever an lvalue is passed, and a copy, whenever an rvalue is passed

Please consider the following code:

template<typename T>
class scalar_reference
    template<typename U>
    scalar_reference(U&& value)
        : m_value(std::forward<U>(value))

    T const& operator()() const { return m_value; }

    T m_value;

template<typename T>
scalar_reference<T> foo(T&& value) {
    return scalar_reference<T>{ std::forward<T>(value) };

The intention is that the scalar_reference returned by foo holds a const reference to a std::decay_t<T> whenever foo is invoked with an lvalue and a copy whenver foo is invoked with an rvalue.

The above code doesn't work. For example, if we call int x; foo(x) int x; foo(x) , T will be int& and hence operator() will return int& too (since the const qualifier has no effect on a reference type).

So, how do we need to change the code?

Is the only problem the return type of operator() ? If so, you can just drop the reference first:

std::decay_t<T> const& operator()() const { return m_value; }

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