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Android sdk for Intellij IDEA

I'm trying to setup IntelliJ IDEA to develop android applications and I faced an issue with android sdk. As far as I know, I need to download the sdk separately. But I all I managed to find was Android command line tools which is obviously not something I need. So my question how can I get android sdk for IntelliJ IDEA?

Same problem I have with IDEA 2017.1.1. I installed tools_r25.2.3-windows.zip and managed to install them . I've done:

  1. unzipped it to C:\\Android\\android_sdk\\
  2. renamed "tools" folder to "tools-sdk"
  3. executed C:\\Android\\android_sdk\\tools_inst\\bin>sdkmanager --update
  4. prepared file my_file with lines:





  5. Executed: C:\\Android\\android_sdk\\tools_inst\\bin>sdkmanager --package_file=my_file

Then gave IntelliJ IDEA folder C:\\Android\\android_sdk as Android SDK Home Folder.

Then IDEA asks to install something additional. The test android project compiles and runs on emulation (AVD Manager works). I had to install 22 Platform and Build Tools though because android-24 virtual device asked for a password.

The only problem is I still have no SDK Manager with GUI interface.

You can install whichever android SDK or API from Intellij. I have the 2018.1 version but I hope this works in earlier versions too. You can find the options to install the SDKs here: 在此输入图像描述

You can download the android SDK from this link here . I hope it should be helpful that link.

First of all make sure you'be setup JDK properly. If not, you can download it from here . Now go to Android Developer official site and download Android Studio.

If you are already done with above mentioned points the few point you might be missing.

  • When asked to choose the JDK (not SDK) you need to choose the Java JDK which you've installed earlier. Should be under C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk{version}
  • Choose a New platform ( if there's not one selected ) , the SDK platform is the android platform at C:\\Program Files\\Android\\android-sdk-windows.

Please let me know if it didn't help.

Reference: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2017.1/getting-started-with-android-development.html

I had the same issue. I tried downloading sdk via android eclipse setup process. Eclipse automatically downloads the sdk. This sdk has a gui sdkmanager and can be used in idea as well. Here is the link to download eclipse.

(Android Studio installed on my computer.) As i see users missed a point while installing android SDK. You should show the Android SDK at AppData folder to IntellijIdea. C:\\Users\\Your_Username\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\SDK_Folder. References: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/prerequisites-for-android-development.html https://www.jetbrains.com/help/img/idea/2017.2/AndroidSDKManager.png

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