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spring security Rest API error -403 forbidden

Im using Spring security on a spring boot project, and Im trying to use a endpoint of my controller, but when i make the call from my js, I get the error: 403 forbidden.

My SecurityConfig:

protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

  public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws    Exception   {
          .passwordEncoder(new BCryptPasswordEncoder());


My controller endpoint:

 @RequestMapping( value="/getUsuarios")
public UsuarioTo getUsuarios( Model model) throws Exception {
    UsuarioTo to = getTo();

    }catch (Exception e)
        throw new  Exception("Error al obtener los usuarios "+e.getMessage() );

    return to;

My Ajax call:

function getUsers(callback)

  var posting = $.post( Endpoint +'getUsuarios', function(data) {

   if (callback)callback(data.listaUsuario);
  .done(function() {

  .fail(function(ex) {
    message("error","ocurrio un error al obtener los usuarios:"    +ex.status+ ex.statusText+ ex.responseJSON.error);

  .always(function() {

  posting.always(function() {

You need to either send the csrf token along with your request ( https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/html/csrf.html#csrf-include-csrf-token-ajax ) or disable csrf for this request.

As you did not configure csrf, the default setting is used so that the csrf token is required for every post.

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