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Python Beautiful Soup

I am learning Beautiful Soup for Python and trying to parse a website " https://www.twitteraudit.com/ ". When I enter a twitter id in the search bar, it returns the results for some id in a fraction of seconds, but some id takes about a minute to process the data. In this case, how can I parse the HTML after it gets loaded or the result is done? And I tried to loop it, but it doesn't work that way. But what I figured was if I open a browser and load the web link and once its done it is storing the cache in the computer and the next time when I run for the same id it works perfectly.

Can anyone help me out with this? I appreciate the help. I attach the code below>>

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
from urllib.request import urlopen as uReq
import re
from re import sub

def HTML(myURL):
    uClient = uReq(myURL)
    pageHTML = uClient.read()

    pageSoup = soup(pageHTML, "html.parser")
    return pageSoup

def fakecheck(usr):
    myURLfc = "https://www.twitteraudit.com/" + usr
    pgSoup = HTML(myURLfc)

    foll = pgSoup.findAll("div",{"class":"audit"})

    link = foll[0].div.a["href"]
    real = foll[0].findAll("span",{"class":"real number"})[0]["data-value"]
    fake = foll[0].findAll("span",{"class":"fake number"})[0]["data-value"]
    scr = foll[0].findAll("div",{"class":"score"})[0].div
    scoresent = scr["class"][1]
    score = re.findall(r'\d{1,3}',str(scr))[0]
    return [link, real, fake, scoresent, score]

lis = ["BarackObama","POTUS44","ObamaWhiteHouse","MichelleObama","ObamaFoundation","NSC44","ObamaNews","WhiteHouseCEQ44","IsThatBarrak","obama_barrak","theprezident","barrakubama","BarrakObama","banackkobama","YusssufferObama","barrakisdabomb_","BarrakObmma","fuzzyjellymasta","BarrakObama6","bannalover101","therealbarrak","ObamaBarrak666","barrak_obama"]

for u in lis:
    link, real, fake, scoresent, score = fakecheck(u)

    print ("link : " + link)
    print ("Real : " + real)
    print ("Fake : " + fake)
    print ("Result : " + scoresent)
    print ("Score : " + score)
    print ("=================")

I think the problem is some of the Twitter ID's have not yet been audited, and so I was getting an IndexError . However, putting the call to fakecheck(u) in a while True: loop that catches that error will continually check the website until an audit has been performed on that ID.

I put this code after the lis definition:

def get_fake_check(n):
    return fakecheck(n)

for u in lis:
    while True:
            link, real, fake, scoresent, score = get_fake_check(u)

I'm not sure if there is a way to automate the audit request on the website, but when a query is waiting, I manually clicked the " Audit " button on the website for that ID, and once the audit was completed, the script continued as usual until all ID audits were processed.

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