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Jasmine spyOn service when testing Angular component

I'm trying to test my Angular component with Jasmine. The component is a simple form that submits some search criteria to a service which then goes off and does the Http stuff and returns an array of entities.

I am using Jasmine to 'spyOn' the service method and then return a mock entity. This mock entity should then be saved in a variable in the component.

The problem I am facing is that when I come to assert that the entity has been successfully returned, I am getting undefined in the entities variable which makes me think I haven't set up my spy correctly or something similar.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


export class DynamicsSearchService {
    private apiUrl = '/api/DynamicsSearch/Search';
    private headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });

    constructor(private http: Http) { }

    search(search: DynamicsSearch): Promise<any[]> {
        search.fields = this.getDefaultFields(search.entity);
        return this.http
            .post(this.apiUrl, JSON.stringify(search), { headers: this.headers })
            .then((response) => { return this.extractResults(search.entity, response.json()); })



    selector: 'dynamics-search-component',
    templateUrl: 'dynamics-search.component.html'
export class DynamicsSearchComponent {

    entities: any[];

    constructor(private searchService: DynamicsSearchService) { }

    submitSearch() {
        this.searching = this.searched = true;
            .then(results => {
                this.entities = results;
                this.searching = false;
                this.searchSuccessful = results !== null && results.length > 0;



describe('DynamicsSearchComponent', () => {

    let fixture: ComponentFixture<DynamicsSearchComponent>;
    let component: DynamicsSearchComponent;

    let configuration = new Configuration();

    beforeEach(() => {
            imports: [
            providers: [
                    provide: Http,
                    useFactory: (backend: ConnectionBackend, defaultOptions: BaseRequestOptions) => {
                        return new Http(backend, defaultOptions);
                    deps: [
            declarations: [

    beforeEach(() => {
        fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DynamicsSearchComponent);
        component = fixture.componentInstance;

    it('on submit should get a single contact',
        inject([DynamicsSearchService], (service: DynamicsSearchService) => {
            var expected = [
                    contactid: 'A7806F57-002C-403F-9D3B-89778144D3E1'

            const spy = spyOn(service, 'search')

            component.model = new DynamicsSearch('contacts', 'A7806F57-002C-403F-9D3B-89778144D3E1', null, 'contactid');


            expect(spy.calls.count()).toBe(1, `expected service search method to be called once but was called ${spy.calls.count()} times`);
            expect(component.entities).toBeDefined('no entities returned');
            expect(component.entities.length).toBe(1, `expected 1 entity to be returned but only ${component.entities.length} were returned`);

It fails on the second expect because component.entities is undefined.

You are working with Promise that is async code. Put expect into fixture.whenStable func and add async function into 'it' unit test.

fixture.whenStable().then(() => {
    expect(component.entities).toBeDefined('no entities returned');

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