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Testing an observable on a service property using jasmine.SpyObj - Angular/Jasmine

I'm trying to test an observable that is bound to an inline property rather than a method on a service, however I can't seem to find any examples about how to return the correct value either in the SpyObj itself or through a spyOn/SpyOnProperty call.

// ContentService 
readonly content$ = this.http.get('www.testContent.com');

// ParentService
constructor(private readonly contentService: ContentService){

// This could return different content dependent on locale for example
    // Handle response

// Unit test 
let service: ParentService;
let contentServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<ContentService>;

beforeEach(() => {
  const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ContentService', [], {
    // Returns cannot read subscribe of undefined
    content$: of()

    providers: [
      { provide: ContentService, useValue: spy }

  service = TestBed.get(ParentService);
  contentServiceSpy = TestBed.get(ContentService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ContentService>;

I've seen a couple of examples about using spyOnProperty with get and set methods but that's not what's happening here, am I declaring it incorrectly on the jasmine.SpyObj or is there a particular jasmine method that I'm missing to return the desired value from the content$

What I do in these scenarios is I add an instance property to the createSpyObj itself.

// Unit test 
let service: ParentService;
let contentServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<ContentService>;
let mockContent$ = new BehaviorSubject(/* content mock goes here*/);

beforeEach(() => {
  const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ContentService', ['loadContent']);

  spy.content$ = mockContent$; // add the instance property itself

    providers: [
      { provide: ValueService, useValue: spy }

  service = TestBed.get(ParentService);
  contentServiceSpy = TestBed.get(ContentService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ContentService>;

Later on, if you want to change the value of content$ , you can do mockContent$.next(/* new mock content goes here*/);

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