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Access to AngularJS 1.6 component function from simple outside javascript code

I need to call a function defined in a component of my AngularJS 1.6 app but i need to do this in simple javascript code outside the angular app. How can I do this?

If you want to test something quick and dirty, the function can be accessed from the Developer Console with:

scope = angular.element($0).isolateScope();

Where $0 is set by selecting the component by using right click -> Inspect or clicking the element in the element window of the Developer Console.

For more information, see AngularJS angular.element API Reference - jQuery/jqLite Extras

Using a standard event-broadcasting will help you.

Inside your component:

document.addEventListener('trigger-my-method', () => myMethod());

Somewhere else:

let myEvt = new Event('trigger-my-method'); document.dispatchEvent(myEvt)

Edit: I'm not tested this solution, and i'm not deep into angular, but it should work

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