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How to list all the files using shell script present in a specific folder under all the directories those are present in the root directory?

I want to list all the files that are present in a specific folder under all the present directories present in my root directory.
Say my root directory is . and there multiples folders like a1,b1,c1........a2,b2 are present.
Now in all those folders there is a specific folder which is source/ so that will be like


where all the necessary files are present. Can I list all the files in a file that is in the . directory by a shell script source file along with their absolute path?

StackOverflow isn't really a "write my code for me" service. But this is really simple in Perl.

Assuming that the source directories only ever appear at the same level:

my @files = glob '*/source/*';

In Perl you could use File::Find :

use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Basename qw(basename);
use File::Find;

find( \&wanted, '.') ;

sub wanted {
    my $name = $_;    
    my $parent_dir = basename( $File::Find::dir );
    if ( (-f $name) && ( $parent_dir eq "source") ) {
        say $File::Find::name;

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