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spring integration JMS message driven channel adaptor using selector


Using message driven adapter , i want to filter message from AMQ broker using selector .

message has to filtered against dynamic bean variable value which is validated using selector bean ref option

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Thanks for your reply , I want to filter message using selector attribute in Message driven channel adaptor . i was able to call bean method inside selector attribute @bean.method() , but not able to pass header parameter to that method @bean.method(header.param) . I am expecting selector should validate dynamically passing the header parameter to bean method and return boolean result so that message can be filtered.

<int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter connection-factory="connectionFactoryName" 
     destination="destinationName" channel="channelName" 
     selector="#{@bean.method(header.param)}" auto-startup="false"/> 

the above selector attribute has bean method configured to receive header param dynamically whenever pick message from AMQ . but it is syntactically wrong not able to pass header param. can you help?

You don't seem to understand what a JMS message selector is...


...tells the broker to only send messages with the foo property equal to bar . It is configured on the consumer during startup.

What you have is not "dynamic". #{...} expressions are evaluated once during context initialization.

What you are trying to do makes no sense; there is no "message" from which to evaluate a header yet. You can't tell the broker which message(s) to send, based on the contents of a message. The filtering is done on the broker before sending the message(s).

If you don't mind "losing" the messages you are not interested in (or are consuming from a topic) and you want to filter the messages you want to process, then add a

<filter ... expression="#{@bean.method(header.param)}" /> 

after the adapter. You could use the discard channel to republish the ignored message(s) to another queue (or do something else with them).

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