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How to get specific value from JSON

I have JSON, which looks like this:

{ '-KiJz4D0pGYE35HPP-E4': { code: '211', lastname: 'Smith', firstname: 'John' } }

I do know that it will always look this way, ONLY one child in any case. How could I get value '211' stored under code key. Right now I have ugly code with foreach, it even works, but... Why would I use foreach at all if I know there is only one child?

Thanks a lot!

USe Object.keys(obj)[0] to get the first key and then you can get the key code's value from it like

 var obj = { '-KiJz4D0pGYE35HPP-E4': { code: '211', lastname: 'Smith', firstname: 'John' } } console.log(obj[Object.keys(obj)[0]]['code']); 


var data = { '-KiJz4D0pGYE35HPP-E4': { code: '211', lastname: 'Smith', firstname: 'John' } };

Then data[Object.keys(data)[0]] will return your inner object

{ code: '211', lastname: 'Smith', firstname: 'John' }

So you easily get code value by data[Object.keys(data)[0]].code


 var jsonObj = { '-KiJz4D0pGYE35HPP-E4': { code: '211', lastname: 'Smith', firstname: 'John' } }; var objKey = Object.keys(jsonObj); // return the object key var innerObject = jsonObj[objKey]; // return the inner object var code = innerObject.code; // return the code property value. console.log(code); 

Object.values({ '-KiJz4D0pGYE35HPP-E4': { code: '211', lastname: 'Smith', firstname: 'John' } })[0].code;


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