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Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:exec (default) on project ors: The parameter 'executable' is missing or invalid

When i am trying to execute mvn -DskipTests=true -Passembly assembly:directory exec:exec command to make binary i am getting Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.6.0:exec (default) on project ors: The parameter 'executable' is missing or invalid error. i have also applied Source Target 1.8 inside configuration but still i am getting the same error.


    <!-- Command-line execution of the ORS (with DB initialization). -->

    <!-- Command-line execution of the miniscule exchange. -->

    <!-- Security administration utility. -->
        <!-- -Dexec.args="-u admin ..." -->

    <!-- Assembly. -->

As of exec-maven-plugin version 1.6.0, it appears <configuration> sections within <execution> blocks are ignored unless you specify an id.

Try changing your command line, substituting exec:exec@foo for exec:exec with the plugin block changed to include an id foo as follows:


You forgot to specify perl.path variable in <executable> tag.


Add this to your pom parent:


I resolved this error by specifying the required plugin in pom.xml as follows

                        <classpath />

Just compile before execution

clean compiler:compile exec:java

This error The parameter 'executable' is missing or invalid can also happen if the exec-maven-plugin plugin is configured in a child maven module and you run the command from the parent directory.

To fix that, simple change your working directory to where the plugin is used.

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