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Update an item view in RecyclerView

I have a RecyclerView which is getting list of favourite and Unfavourite item. There is a Star icon in the item onClick of which i am calling an API which return added to favorite or removed from favourite. Now i am Trying to update star icon in the RecyclerView

OnSuccess of my task i am updating my list with this code

adapterParcel.notifyItemChanged(position, modelParcelsArrayList);

In my Adapter onBindViewHolder i am trying to update view by this code

if (singleModelParcels.is_favouriteParcel()) {
            } else {

I am unable to figure out what should i do to update View of that item.

The notifyDataSetChanged method refreshes the items in the recyclerView adapter ie . they again go through the onBindViewHolder state.

if you have modified you object properly to hold the fav value (true/false) then inside the onBindViewHolder you can simple access that value an set the view, something like this:

    public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
   Object object = objectList.get(position);
   if (object.isFav()){

So all you have to do is call the notifyDataSetChanged method on the adapter and the code inside the onBindViewHolder mthod will handle it for you!

Check a similar project created by me, here


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