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How to get the value of attribute value from XML using JDOM



Above is sample XML that I'm trying to parse in java using JDOM, following is my code for the same.

String xml="above xml";
org.jdom.Document doc = saxBuilder.build(new StringReader(xml));
Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
Element subRootNode = rootNode.getChild("ns2:DataContent");
Element subsubRootNode =  subRootNode.getChild("ns2:DataItem");
Element subsubsubRootNode = subsubRootNode.getChild("ns2:Position");
String value=subsubsubRootNode.getAttributeValue("ns3:RandomNumbers");

But When I execute the above code I get NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION at follwing line

Element subsubRootNode =  subRootNode.getChild("ns2:DataItem");

How to get the value of RandomNumbers and Interger xml tags? Thanks !!!!

You get NullPointerException because you try to get child of non-existing sub-object:

When performing

Element subsubRootNode =  subRootNode.getChild("ns2:DataItem");

The return value is the first node which does not include the ns2:Position , as opposed to the another ns2:DataItem you have in your example.

Anyway, a simple solution I suggest is to use getChildren instead of getChild when you have a list of multiple nodes with the same attribute:

String xml="above xml";
org.jdom.Document doc = saxBuilder.build(new StringReader(xml));
Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
List dataItemsList = rootNode.getChildren("ns2:DataContent");
for ( int i = 0; i < dataItemsList.size(); i++ ) {
    Element dataItem = (Element) dataItemsList.get(i);
    Element position = subsubRootNode.getChild("ns2:Position");
    if(position != null){
         String value=subsubsubRootNode.getAttributeValue("ns3:RandomNumbers");

EDIT: Full code:

String xml = "<VehicleStatusReport>" + 
                "<DataContent>" + 
                    "<DataItem>" + 
                        "<Name>star</Name>" + 
                        "<Percent>65.6</Percent>" + 
                        "<Source>egg</Source>" + 
                    "</DataItem>" +

                    "<DataItem>" + 
                        "<Name>position</Name>" + 
                        "<Position>" + 
                            "<RandomNumbers>8.378137,8.36</RandomNumbers>" + 
                            "<Integer>124.9,124.999901</Integer>" + 
                            "<Heading>0</Heading>" + 
                        "</Position>" + 
                    "</DataItem>" + 

                "</DataContent>" + 

SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
Document doc;
try {
    doc = saxBuilder.build(new StringReader(xml));
    Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
    Element dataContent = rootNode.getChild("DataContent");
    List dataItemsList = dataContent.getChildren();
    for (int i = 0; i < dataItemsList.size(); i++) {
        Element dataItem = (Element) dataItemsList.get(i);
        Element position = dataItem.getChild("Position");
        if (position != null) {
            Element randomNumbers = position.getChild("RandomNumbers");
            List value = randomNumbers.getContent();
} catch (JDOMException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block


To access elements that are in a namespace in JDOM, you should use the method getChild(localName, namespaceUri) .

For example if the element is

<ns:donald xmlns:ns="http://us.nepotism.com/">

then you should use getChild("ivanka", "http://us.nepotism.com/")

The answer from @GalDraiman appears to ignore the namespace issue completely.

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