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Webpack UglifyJsPlugin Error when nonuse sourceMap

I know UglifyJsPlugin do not support ES6 , so there has some problems when ES6 transform to ES5

In production env Error: Unexpected token punc «,», expected punc «:» [bundle.js:2808,8]

new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
    output: {
        comments: false

But It's OK In development env

new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({
    sourceMap: true,
    output: {
        comments: false

Webpack v2.4.1 and babel v6.5.2 Webpack presets: ["es2015","stage-0","react"]

The screenshot of error : enter image description here

Finally, I find the code what I post is not ES6, while it follow the CMD principle. That code Webpack will not transform and UglifyJsPlugin can't transform.

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