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How can I set default_url_options per mailer?

In Rails 5, we have two mailers for some business reason.

Let's call them FooMailer and BarMailer .

The business requirement is to set up the default_url_options for each of them separately :

  • For FooMailer they should be { host: "wut.example.com" }
  • For BarMailer they should be { host: "blah.example.com" }

How can I do that?

For all mailers globally:

In config/environment/production.rb :

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'http://abc.co.uk' }

Per mailer:

For Rails 5.0.x, setting up the default_url_options as method on each mailer seems to be working:

class FooMailer < ApplicationMailer
  def default_url_options
    { host: "wut.example.com" }


class BarMailer < ApplicationMailer
  def default_url_options
    { host: "blah.example.com" }

A tip : if you want to still set up those options in environment-specific files (like you do with global defaults) you can use the Rails.applicaiton.config.x for that:

class FooMailer < ApplicationMailer
  def default_url_options
    Rails.application.config.x.default_foo_mailer_url_options ||
      raise('No x.default_foo_mailer_url_options config found')

and then in config/environments/*.rb you can set it up like this:

Rails.application.configure do
  config.x.default_foo_mailer_url_options = { 
    host: "wut.example.com" 

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