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How to set locale default_url_options for functional tests (Rails)

In my application_controller, I have the following set to include the locale with all paths generated by url_for:

  def default_url_options(options={})
    { :locale => I18n.locale }

My resource routes then have a :path_prefix = "/:locale"

Works fine on the site.

But when it comes to my functional tests, the :locale is not passed with the generated urls, and therefore they all fail. I can get around it by adding the locale to the url in my tests, like so:

  get :new, :locale => 'en'

But I don't want to have to manually add the locale to every functional test.

I tried adding the default_url_options def above to test_helper, but it seems to have no effect.

Is there any way I can change the default_url_options to include the locale for all my tests?


For Rails 5, I found this simple solution In test_helper.rb based on action_dispatch/testing/integration.rb

module ActionDispatch::Integration
  class Session
    def default_url_options
      { locale: I18n.locale }

In the Rails 3.1-stable branch, the process method is now within a Behavior module. So here is the code which worked for me (slightly different from John Duff's answer):

class ActionController::TestCase

  module Behavior
    def process_with_default_locale(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, http_method = 'GET')
      parameters = { :locale => I18n.default_locale }.merge( parameters || {} )
      process_without_default_locale(action, parameters, session, flash, http_method)
    alias_method_chain :process, :default_locale

And I made sure this code gets called before running the specs/tests. A good place to put it is in the test_helper class.

In case anyone is using this with Rails 4.0, the order of arguments in the process method has changed, so you'll need to use this updated patch (based on @martin-carel's answer, just with the http_method argument moved to the second argument):

class ActionController::TestCase
  module Behavior
    def process_with_default_locale(action, http_method = 'GET', parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
      parameters = { :locale => I18n.locale }.merge( parameters || {} ) unless I18n.locale.nil?
      process_without_default_locale(action, http_method, parameters, session, flash)
    alias_method_chain :process, :default_locale

Hope that helps anyone stuck on this problem.

I tried a lot of examples, but only this one helped me. It is concise and simple. Add this code snippet to the test.rb:

Rails.application.configure do
  # ... other config ...

  routes.default_url_options[:locale] = :en

Works on Rails 5.1.4

Looking through how the controller test case generates the url there doesn't seem to be a direct way to have it use the defualt_url_options. The main block that actually does the url creationg (in the tests) looks like this ( http://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/actionpack/lib/action_controller/test_case.rb ):

  def build_request_uri(action, parameters)
    unless @request.env['REQUEST_URI']
      options = @controller.__send__(:rewrite_options, parameters)
      options.update(:only_path => true, :action => action)

      url = ActionController::UrlRewriter.new(@request, parameters)
      @request.request_uri = url.rewrite(options)

This gets called by the process method which is in turn called by the get, post, head, or put methods. One way to maybe get what you are looking for might be to alias_chain the process method.

class ActionController::TestCase
  def process_with_default_locale(action, parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil, http_method = 'GET')
    parameters = {:locale=>'en'}.merge(parameters||{})
    process_without_default_locale(action, parameters, session, flash, http_method)
  alias_method_chain :process, :default_locale

You'll want to put that into your test helper, outside of the TestCase class I think. Let me know how it works for you, I haven't really tested it out so we'll see.

alias_method_chain is deprecated in Rails 5 , and it seems the Behavior process method has changed.

Here's my modification of Martin Carel's answer above, adapted to Rails 5.

RSpec.configure do |config|
  module ActionController
    class TestCase
      module Behavior
        module LocaleParameter
          def process(action, parameters = {params: {}})
            unless I18n.locale.nil?
              parameters[:params][:locale] = I18n.locale

            super(action, parameters)

        prepend Behavior::LocaleParameter


I'm by no means an expert in Rails or Ruby, so if something can be improved in this answer, let me know and I'll change it.

I ran into this problem with a failing cucumber test. I use locales as parameters in the url, ie http://mysite.com/home?locale=he

What I do to cope with this is to drop all locale related stuff from the url during testing by defining default_url_options depending on the environment I use:

  # app/controllers/application_controller.rb
  def default_url_options(options={})
    logger.debug "default_url_options is passed options: #{options.inspect}\n"
    ENV["RAILS_ENV"] != "cucumber" ? { :locale => I18n.locale } : {}

I've come up with a bit less invasive solution to this problem.

setup :set_default_locale 

def set_default_locale
  def @request.query_parameters
    {:locale => "en"}.merge(@query_parameters)

The advantage of this solution is that it means you can only apply the default locale parameter to certain test cases, so you can test, for example, the redirection strategy itself.

Things changed again with Ruby 5.1. Here's what worked for me:

class ActionController::TestCase
  module Behavior
    module LocaleParameter
      def process(action, params: {}, **args)
        # Locale parameter must be a string
        params[:locale] = I18n.locale.to_s
        super(action, params: params, **args)
  prepend Behavior::LocaleParameter

With integration testing, I found that the above monkey patch needs to be different, this is what worked for me (Rails 2.3.4):

class ActionController::Integration::Session
  def url_for_with_default_locale(options)
    options = { :locale => 'en' }.merge(options)
  alias_method_chain :url_for, :default_locale

default_url_options are not used when processing functional tests and it doesn't seem there is a way to define defaults without monkey patching ( master branch from October 15th 2021 ).

So I managed to get it working by overwriting the ActionController::TestCase#process method within the test/test_helper.rb file as follows:

class ActionController::TestCase
  module DefaultParameters
    def process(action, params: {}, **args)
      params[:locale] ||= 'en'
      super(action, params: params, **args)
  prepend DefaultParameters

The above code works with Rails 6.1.4 but might need some adjustments for earlier or future Rails versions.

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