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How to set locale in default url options for integration tests

Using Rails 4.0.0beta1, i'm trying to create some integration tests. All my URLs are scoped with me locale (eg /en/user/new ) and i'm having the following error each time i try to call new_user_url :

ActionController::UrlGenerationError: No route matches {:action=>"new", :controller=>"user"} missing required keys: [:locale]

I've tried the solution given by @Balint Erdi in the following question

class ActionController::Integration::Session
  def url_for_with_default_locale(options)
    options = { locale: I18n.locale }.merge(options)

  alias_method_chain :url_for, :default_locale

It works but gives me a deprecation warning because of rails4:

DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionController::Integration is deprecated and will be removed, use ActionDispatch::Integration instead. (called from <top (required)> at /path/to/project/test/test_helper.rb:46)
DEPRECATION WARNING: ActionController::IntegrationTest is deprecated and will be removed, use ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest instead. (called from <top (required)> at /path/to/project/test/test_helper.rb:46)

For my controller tests i added this :

class ActionController::TestCase

  module Behavior
    def process_with_default_locale(action, http_method = 'GET', parameters = nil, session = nil, flash = nil)
      parameters = { locale: I18n.locale }.merge( parameters || {} ) 
      process_without_default_locale(action, http_method, parameters, session, flash)

    alias_method_chain :process, :default_locale

I've also tested adding a default_url_options method directly into the tests but it did not work.

How can i set the default url parameters in integration tests ?

An option that worked for me (at least in Rails 4.2.0) was to add a setup method to the ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest class in my test/test_helper.rb :

class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  def setup
    self.default_url_options = { locale: I18n.default_locale }

Ok, it seems it's as easy as replacing ActionController by ActionDispatch . I don't know why it didn't work before but since I updated to the latest rails which deprecates rake test:integration for rails test integration it seems to work:

class ActionDispatch::Integration::Session
  def url_for_with_default_locale(options)
    options = { locale: I18n.locale }.merge(options)

  alias_method_chain :url_for, :default_locale

Rails 5, Minitest example:

class SomeTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  setup do
    self.default_url_options = { locale: I18n.default_locale }

  def test_something

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