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HP ALM 12.21 REST API - 401 Unauthorized - C#

I am trying to use the API against our ALM 12.21 server, but always ends up with "401 Unauthorized". It seems that I get the auth cookie back correctly, but when I try to do something after that I am unauthorized.

I use this the get this to get auth cookie (seems to work):

HttpWebRequest myauthrequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://server/qcbin/authentication-point/alm-authenticate");

            string AuthenticationXML = @"<alm-authentication>

            byte[] Requestbytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(AuthenticationXML);
            myauthrequest.Method = "POST";
            myauthrequest.ContentType = "application/xml";
            myauthrequest.ContentLength = Requestbytes.Length;
            myauthrequest.Accept = "application/xml";
            Stream RequestStr = myauthrequest.GetRequestStream();
            RequestStr.Write(Requestbytes, 0, Requestbytes.Length);
            HttpWebResponse myauthres = (HttpWebResponse)myauthrequest.GetResponse();
            var AuthenticationCookie = myauthres.Headers.Get("Set-Cookie");
            AuthenticationCookie = AuthenticationCookie.Replace(";Path=/;HTTPOnly", "");

I am not sure if the .Replace is needed. Just read it somewhere. I get 401 both with or without it though, when trying to do subsequent requests.

Trying eg this after getting auth cookie:

 HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://server/qcbin/rest/domains/FS/projects/P3602_SLS_Project/defects/1");
            req.Method = "GET";
            req.ContentType = "application/xml";
            req.Accept = "application/octet-stream";
            req.Headers.Set(HttpRequestHeader.Cookie, AuthenticationCookie);
            HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
            Stream RStream2 = res.GetResponseStream();
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(RStream2);

Which fails with 401.

Anyone have complete working code for the ALM 12.21 REST API?

You need two main cookies to get the ALM REST API works perfectly.

  2. QCSession

    almURL = "https:// . .com/qcbin/"

    authEndPoint = almURL + "authentication-point/authenticate"

    qcSessionEndPoint = almURL + "rest/site-session"

After you get successful response for authEndPoint you will get the LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY

Use that cookie in your next request to qcSessionEndPoint , it should give you QCSession cookie.

Use both LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY and QCSession cookies in your subsequent requests to get data from ALM.

I see that you are using octet-stream to get the defect response. When I checked the documentation, it can return one of the following types.


Just in case, if you need to see some working implementation in python, here it is https://github.com/macroking/ALM-Integration/blob/master/ALM_Integration_Util.py It may give you some idea.

Thank you @Barney. You sent me in the correct direction :-) For anyone interested, I managed it like this, eg for getting defect ID 473:

Logging on to create a CookieContainer and then use that to do the actual ALM data fetch:

   private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string almURL = @"https://url/qcbin/";
        string domain = "domain";
        string project = "project";
        CookieContainer cookieContainer = LoginAlm2(almURL, "username", "password", domain, project);

        HttpWebRequest myWebRequest1 = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(almURL + "/rest/domains/" + domain + "/projects/" + project + "/defects/473");
        myWebRequest1.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
        myWebRequest1.Accept = "application/json";
        WebResponse webResponse1 = myWebRequest1.GetResponse();
        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(webResponse1.GetResponseStream());
        string res = reader.ReadToEnd();


   public CookieContainer LoginAlm2(string server, string user, string password, string domain, string project)
        //Creating the WebRequest with the URL and encoded authentication
        string StrServerLogin = server + "/api/authentication/sign-in";
        HttpWebRequest myWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(StrServerLogin);
        myWebRequest.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Authorization] = "Basic " + Base64Encode(user + ":" + password);
        WebResponse webResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse();

        CookieContainer c = new CookieContainer();
        Uri uri = new Uri(server);

        string StrCookie = webResponse.Headers.ToString();
        string StrCookie1 = StrCookie.Substring(StrCookie.IndexOf("LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY=") + 17);
        StrCookie1 = StrCookie1.Substring(0, StrCookie1.IndexOf(";"));
        c.Add(new Cookie("LWSSO_COOKIE_KEY", StrCookie1) { Domain = uri.Host });

        //Then the QCSession cookie
        string StrCookie2 = StrCookie.Substring(StrCookie.IndexOf("QCSession=") + 10);
        StrCookie2 = StrCookie2.Substring(0, StrCookie2.IndexOf(";"));
        c.Add(new Cookie("QCSession", StrCookie2) { Domain = uri.Host });

        //Then the ALM_USER cookie
        string StrCookie3 = StrCookie.Substring(StrCookie.IndexOf("ALM_USER=") + 9);
        StrCookie3 = StrCookie3.Substring(0, StrCookie3.IndexOf(";"));
        c.Add(new Cookie("ALM_USER", StrCookie3) { Domain = uri.Host });

        //And finally the XSRF-TOKEN cookie
        string StrCookie4 = StrCookie.Substring(StrCookie.IndexOf("XSRF-TOKEN=") + 12);
        StrCookie4 = StrCookie4.Substring(0, StrCookie4.IndexOf(";"));
        c.Add(new Cookie("XSRF-TOKEN", StrCookie4) { Domain = uri.Host });

        return c;

Works like a charm :-)

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