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jQuery - DOMSubtreeModified not working in chrome

i'm using the DOMSubtreeModified for listening to class change in my code:

    var $window = $(window),
        $body   = $("body"),
        $footer = $("#footer");

    $("#header.main p, #container").click(function(){
        if (!$("#container").hasClass("rotate")) {

    function resize() {
        if($body.height() < $window.height()){
        } else {
        $('#cat.main').bind('DOMSubtreeModified propertychange', function(e) {
            if ($("#cat.main").hasClass("open")) {
            } else {

and just notice that is not working in chrome! what's the alternative to DOMSubtreeModified?

to be clear i want something to work at least in ie9 too .

Thanks for your posting. In my experience , it is not related to Browser. I think this code is not working in other browsers too. Regarding to DOMSubtreeModified function, please check if "#cat.main" exists or created by AJax or something. This function will be running when this element exists on this page already.

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