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use many ssi with fastcgi_cache in nginx

I am using fastcgi_cache in nginx in order to speed up the php, which connects database and select articles.

Here is my flow:

first, I add a ssi-include in my index:

<\!--# include file="/templates/1-5-list.html" -->

then, I add a location route to handle html -> php in nginx-conf

location ~(\d*?)-(\d*?)-list.html
    try_files $uri /articles/list.php?p1=$1&p2=$2;

after that, I apply fastcgi_cache for list.php

# outside the server{}
    fastcgi_cache_path /home/cache/articles levels=1 keys_zone=articles_cache:10m max_size=1024m inactive=1h;
    fastcgi_cache_key $scheme$host$request_uri$request_method;
# outside the server{}

location ~/list.php$ {
    fastcgi_cache articles_cache;
    fastcgi_cache_valid 200 2h;

Everything is ok right now, and the caching function well.

However, If I have two or more ssi in my index:

<\!--# include file="/templates/1-5-list.html" -->
<\!--# include file="/templates/2-5-list.html" -->

The second ssi return exactly the same result as the first one, FAIL!

I search inside the cache directory, And I found that, the KEY using for caching is httplocalhost/articlesGET , which means such two ssi are sharing the same KEY . And I think this is the cause.

My question is how can I modify the fastcgi_cache_key such that they can have different KEY ? I've tried adding fastcgi_cache_key inside location{} but fail.

$request_uri in nginx SSI subrequest refers to parent request URI. Use $uri in included fragment cache key instead: fastcgi_cache_key $scheme$host$uri$request_method;

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