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rails bundler error : Shopify_app

I listed the below gem in my gemfile and after running "bundle install" i get the below error. Can someone tell me what to do, where to list or edit the correct gems/dependencies

gem file :

gem 'rails', '~> 5.0.2' gem 'shopify_app'


Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "activesupport": In Gemfile: shopify_app x64-mingw32 was resolved to 7.0.10, which depends on shopify_api (~> 4.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 4.2.0, which depends on activeresource x64-mingw32 was resolved to 2.0.1, which depends on activesupport (= 2.0.1) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  activejob (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which

depends on globalid (>= 0.3.6) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 0.4.0, which depends on activesupport (>= 4.2.0) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  activesupport (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on
  actionpack (= 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which

depends on rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 2.0.2, which depends on activesupport (< 6.0, >= 4.2.0) x64-mingw32

rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 5.0.2, which depends on

sprockets-rails (>= 2.0.0) x64-mingw32 was resolved to 3.2.0, which depends on activesupport (>= 4.0) x64-mingw32 Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rails": In Gemfile: rails (~> 5.0.2) x64-mingw32

shopify_app x64-mingw32 was resolved to 0.1.0, which depends on
  rails (~> 3) x64-mingw32

D:\\Ruby On Rails\\firstRailsProject>rails s Could not find gem 'shopify_app x64-mingw32' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile. Run bundle install to install missing gems.

if you read carefuly the github readme for shopify_app, you'll find that there are some issues between ruby R versions:

so, you must do:

gem 'shopify_app'
gem 'activeresource', github: 'rails/activeresource'

for more info -> github shoopy

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