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Error while linking libconfig with c++ using cmake?

Here is the cmake file that i am using

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0)
project (midasd)

set (midas VERSION_MAJOR 0)
set (midas VERSION_MINOR 0)
set (midas VERSION_REVISION 1)

find_library(libconfig libconfig)

add_executable(midasd src/main.cpp)

target_link_libraries(midasd "${libconfig_LIBS}")

The problem i am facing is undefined reference for config_init . The main function is as follows

#include <libconfig.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        midas::midasCtx *container = new midas::midasCtx(argc,argv);
        config_t cfg;
        return 0;

Where am i going wrong with CMAKE ?

Actually the libconfig is recognized as simply -lconfig not -llibconfig in linking argument. The CMakeLists.txt should contain

target_link_libraries(my_project config)


This manual( https://hyperrealm.github.io/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html ) says " To link with the library, specify '-lconfig++' as an argument to the linker. "

So I fixed like following code and build was completed.

target_link_libraries(my_project config++)

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