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Vaadin Plupload uploads wrong filename

Anyone has come across this issue where the uploaded filename is looking a bit weird.

I am trying this Vaadin Plupload addon which is a very nice addon. However, it uploads the wrong file name.

  //add file uploaded handler
    uploader.addFileUploadedListener(new Plupload.FileUploadedListener() {

        public void onFileUploaded(PluploadFile file) {
            File uploadedFile = file.getUploadedFile();
            System.out.println("This file was just uploaded: " 
              + uploadedFile.getAbsolutePath());

And it gives me this kind of file name o_199r9ll9e1g6q15vmrdj13l51rdbl .txt ...how do I get the normal.txt file name instead of such weird file name.

Finally solved this issue, here is the discussion for this specific issue from Vaadin site:

Path myPath = Paths.get(YOUR_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY + file.getId() + (FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()).isEmpty()
                        ? "" : ('.' + FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()))));
                Path rF = Paths.get(YOUR_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY + file.getName());
                try {
                    Files.move(myPath, rF, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
                    //refresh your tree table container
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error("Unable to rename file" + file.getName(), e);

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