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Delete the record if its exist , else insert

I have a click favorite star , i want to check in data base if the record is exist it will delete the record , if it not exist it will insert the record ,what is the problem the record not inserted

    include "config.php";
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    $landmarkid = $_GET['landmarkid'];
    $userid = $_GET['userid'];

    try {
        $query = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * from favourite WHERE userid =$userid AND L_ID = $landmarkid");

        if(mysqli_num_rows($query) > 0)
            $q1 = mysqli_query($con,"DELETE from favourite WHERE userid =$userid AND L_ID = $landmarkid");

                echo '{"Deleted":"true"}';
            else {
                echo '{"Deleted":"false"}';
       else {
            $q2 = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO favourite (userid,L_ID) VALUES ( $userid, $landmarkid) ");

                echo '{"inserted":"true"}';
            else {
                echo '{"inserted":"false"}';

        } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";

Try to add single quotation marks to your insert statement and see if it works. Change this statement;

$q2 = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO favourite (userid,L_ID) VALUES ( $userid, $landmarkid) ");

To this;

$q2 = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO favourite (userid,L_ID) VALUES ( '$userid', '$landmarkid') ");

Let me know if it helps or if you find a problem.

I have rewritten your code below.

Some points:

  • Your code was vulerable to SQL injection so assuming id is a numeric value I forced the input vars ( $userid and $landmarkid ) to be integers using (int) casting.

  • Your first checking query can return a COUNT value, it's better than returning a * and then you can check a specific value for your if statements, $result['numb'] .

  • I have properly escaped your php variables in the SQL, but you really should be trying to use Prepared Statements for this.

  • I dont think you need the try{} catch {} here as your current code will never throw exceptions (as far as I'm aware)

  • Add a LIMIT to your delete statements so you can never delete more than an intended number of row. This acts as a failsafe so you don't inadvertantly manage to delete the whole table.

 include "config.php";
 header('Content-Type: application/json');
 $landmarkid = (int)$_GET['landmarkid'];
 $userid = (int)$_GET['userid'];

 try {
    $query = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT COUNT(*) as numb FROM 
             favourite WHERE userid = ".$userid." AND 
             L_ID = ".$landmarkid);
    $result = mysqli_fetch_aray($query);

    if($result['numb'] > 0)
        $q1 = mysqli_query($con,"DELETE FROM favourite 
              WHERE userid = ".$userid." AND L_ID = ".$landmarkid." 
              LIMIT 1");
       print "deleted";
    else {
        $q2 = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO favourite (userid,L_ID)
              VALUES ( ".$userid", ".$landmarkid.") ");
        print "inserted";
  catch (Exception $e) {
      echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";

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