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How to select multiple lines using java Selenium automation testing?

I tried to select multiple lines using selenium automation like below.

this.selectLineInTable(Locator.LOCATOR_LIST, "name", t1.getName()).

but its not working. Can anyone help me how to solve this issue?

try something like below:

Actions act = new Actions(driver);
act.keyDown(Keys.CONTROL).moveToElement(driver.findElement(By.xpath("first element to select"))).click().build().perform();

act.moveToElement(driver.findElement(By.xpath("second element to select"))).click().release().build().perform();
    Actions act = new Actions(driver);           
          String m1 = this.selectLineInTable(Constant.LOCATOR_LIST_MOFULL, "name",psv.getName());//1st element
          String m2=this.selectLineInTable(Constant.LOCATOR_LIST_MOFULL, "name",psTest.getName());// 2nd element



protected String selectLineInTable(String scLocatorBody, String key, String value) throws Exception { String scLocatorLine = this.findLineInTable(scLocatorBody, key, value);

    if (scLocatorLine == null) {
        // No line for key / value
        this.logError("The row [" + key + "=" + value + "] does not exist", null);
    } else {
        // Click on the line
        StringBuffer lRow = new StringBuffer();

    return scLocatorLine;

Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: {"method":"name","selector":"scLocator=//ListGrid[ID=\\"ssr_grid\\"]/body/row[0]/"}

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