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I can't convert my ajax $.get to $.ajax

I try to convert an ajax function that I do not understand. Here the original function :

$.get(page, function (data) {
  $('#load-more').data('next-page', data.next_page);

I'd like to convert it to make it more readable (with $ .ajax), So I could clearly see the events success, and so on.

Here is what I tried but it doesn't work

 url: page,
 data: function (data) {
  $('#load-more').data('next-page', data.next_page);
 'success': 'Cool, it's work')

Thank you for your help and your explanations

The issue is because the data parameter should be an object, a string or an array which you use to send data to the server. However, given your $.get sample, you don't actually need to use it in $.ajax at all.

Instead, the success property should be a function which receives the data back from the request and then acts on it. Try this:

  url: page,
  success: function(data) {
    $('#load-more').data('next-page', data.next_page);

For more information, please read the jQuery $.ajax documentation .

Try this:

 url: page,
 success: function (data) {
  $('#load-more').data('next-page', data.next_page);

I think the data property is for POST request payloads.

you should fire the success callback event so try this :

      url: page,  
      success: function(data) {
         $('#load`enter code here`-more').data('next-page', data.next_page);

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