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How to install scipy in Python3.5 virtual env | windows 10?

I have Anaconda (Python 3.6) in my Windows 10. This includes Scipy. I am also using a virtual Python 3.5 env to support TensorFlow. Now, the problem is that I cannot import Scipy while I'm inside this virtual env.

I have tried: pip install scipy (didn't work) easy-install scipy (didn't work) I also visited http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy to look for suitable package to install but I could not figure out which numpy+mkl and scipy combination to download.

I'll be grateful for help. I know that there already exist similar questions on this issue. But I could not find answer to my problem anywhere.


conda install -c anaconda scipy=0.19.0

Try to create VirtualEnv with Python 3.5 as currently there is NO TensorFlow release for Python 3.6.


create Python 3.5 VirtualEnv:

conda create -n py35 python=3.5 anaconda

activate it

activate py35

install TensorFlow

conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge tensorflow

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