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Regex to match digits only if not followed or proceeded by letters in Javascript

I would like to match digits but not when they are within words (in JavaScript).

The following should match:

1.5-4 (matches 1.5 & 4 separately)
(1+3) (matches 1 & 3 separately)

The following should NOT match:


I thought I could solve with with a negative lookahead, like so: (?![A-Za-z]+)([0-9]+[\\.|\\,]?[0-9]?) but it does not work.

How can I best solve this? Thanks.

I would like to match digits but not when they are within words.

You can use look arounds in your regex:

  • \\b is for word boundary

RegEx Demo

2021 update:

Since lookbehind support has grown considerably, it makes sense to use a lookbehind based solution:

/(?<![a-z])\d*[.,]?\d+(?![a-z])/gi         # ASCII only
/(?<!\p{L})\p{N}*[.,]?\p{N}+(?!\p{L})/giu  # Unicode-aware

See the regex demo . Please track the lookbehind and Unicode property class support here .


  • (?<![az]) - no ASCII letter (or any Unicode letter if \\p{L} is used) allowed immediately to the left of the current location
  • \\d*[.,]?\\d+
  • (?![az]) - no ASCII letter (or any Unicode letter if \\p{L} is used) allowed immediately to the right of the current location.

Original answer

In order to match any standalone integer or float numbers with dot or comma as decimal separator you need


See the regex demo . The point here is that you cannot use a word boundary \\b before a . since it will invalidate all matches like .55 (only 55 will be matched).

Details :

  • (?:\\b\\d+[,.]|\\B[.,])? - either of the two alternatives:
    • \\b\\d+[,.] - a word boundary (there must be a non-word char before or start of string), then 1+ digits, and then a . or ,
    • | - or
    • \\B[.,] - a position other than word boundary (only a non-word char or start of string) and then a . or ,
  • \\d+ - 1+ digits
  • \\b - a word boundary.

 const regex = /(?:\\b\\d+[,.]|\\B[.,])?\\d+\\b/g; const str = `.455 and ,445 44,5345 435.54 4444 1 1,2 1.5-4 (1+3) =1; FF3D 3deg`; console.log(str.match(regex));

If you need to also add support for the exponent use:


Try This

var pattern= /([\d.]+)/;


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