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How to Set click listener on marker in google map?

i have two marker in example where one is for current location and one is for destination i have drawn a Route path between them but now in same example i want to set a click listener on both the marker can you suggest some good example related this..?

Here is how to do it using Kotlin:

private lateinit var mMap: GoogleMap  //declaration inside class

override fun onMapReady(googleMap: GoogleMap) {
    mMap = googleMap
    mMap.setOnMarkerClickListener { marker ->
        if (marker.isInfoWindowShown) {
            } else {

Hope this helps some beginner like me.

This is how you would go about adding an onClick listener for markers on a map:

GoogleMap mMap;
Marker marker = mMap.addMarker(
   new MarkerOptions()
       .position(new LatLng(dLat, dLong))
       .title("Your title")                                       

mMap.setOnMarkerClickListener(new GoogleMap.OnMarkerClickListener() {
    public boolean onMarkerClick(Marker m) {}
  1. Let your class/fragment implement OnMarkerClickListener
  2. Register marker click callback to your googleMap with googleMap.setOnMarkerClickListener(this); in your setup
  3. Override the onMarkerClick

     @Override public boolean onMarkerClick(final Marker marker) { //handle click here }

On newer versions of Google Maps, this is no longer valid, you should use:

MarkerManager(mMap).newCollection().apply {

        setOnMarkerClickListener {

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