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Two Spring Repositories for same entity - Different Datasources

I have a scenario where I have a Database with some records in it already. I need to replicate the information in other database , with the datasource information derived in the run time.

The entity model remains the same in both the databases and all I need is to migrate the information from one to another.

Related question I found is this : Two datasources using the same entities/repositories using spring data jpa

Also in the solution there it is mentioned to use a 'AbstractRoutingDataSource' which can derive the information from the tenant.

My use case does not fit there exactly, or I do not know how to fit it in.

My requirement is like

DataSource1 -> EntityManager1 -> Persistence Unit1.
DataSoruce2 -> EntityManager2 -> Persistence Unit2.

Both the persistence unit has the same set of classes.

I need to do

 and then write them to  EntityRepo_associated_with_datasource2.saveAll().

Any pointers on this ?

If you want to syncronise 2 databases use the liquibase API do not try and do this with JPA.

You can create a changeset that blows away all the data in the database to by updated, then fills it with data from the replicated set.

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