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Tab selection in URL (Shiny - Shiny Dashboard)

I have a Shiny app with the following structure:

                      dashboardHeader(title = tags$img(src="logo.png")),
                      dashboardSidebar(sidebarMenu(id = "totalTab",
                                       menuItem("Users", tabName = "dashboard", icon = icon("user-circle")),
                                       menuItem("Map", tabName = "cities", icon = icon("map-o")),
                                       menuItem("Med", tabName = "med", icon = icon("building-o"), selected = TRUE),                                   
                                       menuItem("Data", tabName = "opdata", icon = icon("database"))
                        tabItem(tabName = "dashboard", uiOutput("bodyuser")),
                        tabItem(tabName = "med", uiOutput("bodyoutput")),
                        tabItem(tabName = "cities", uiOutput("citiesout")),
                        tabItem(tabName = "opdata", uiOutput("dataout"))

The first I see when I open the app is tab item "med". Inside "med" I have a tabset called "TabMap". I want to update "TabMap" using URL like this:

    query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    if (!is.null(query[['panelname']])) {
      rv$rvpanel <- query[['panelname']]
      updateTabsetPanel(session, "TabMap", selected = rv$rvpanel)

Or this:

    query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    if (!is.null(query[['panelname']])) {
      updateTabsetPanel(session, "TabMap", selected = query[['panelname']])

But neither works. How can I do that?

PD: rv$rvpanel is a reactive value...


  output$bodyoutput <- renderUI({
    box(title = "Map", width ="100%", status = "info", solidHeader = TRUE,

  output$tabmap <- renderUI({
    tabsetPanel(id = "TabMap",
                tabPanel(width = "100%", title = "Add", value="panel5", uiOutput("formdead")),
                tabPanel(width = "100%", title = "Ours", value="panel1", uiOutput("mapdeadout")),
                tabPanel(width = "100%", title = "Month", value="panel4", uiOutput("mapmonthout")),
                tabPanel(width = "100%", title = "Map", value = "panel2", uiOutput("maplifeout")),
                tabPanel(width = "100%", title = "History", value="panel3", uiOutput("formhist"))

You just missed one thing, to check if "TabMap" is already rendered and available in the input before your observe code gets executed.

This codes below seem to work

        if(any(names(input) == "TabMap")){
          query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
          if (!is.null(query[['panelname']])) {
            rv$rvpanel <- query[['panelname']]
            updateTabsetPanel(session, "TabMap", selected = rv$rvpanel)



        if(any(names(input) == "TabMap")){
          query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
          if (!is.null(query[['panelname']])) {
            updateTabsetPanel(session, "TabMap", selected = query[['panelname']])


Hope this helps!

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