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Need to use bitwise“&” operator in JPA2

I need to convert the below condition in JPA2,but found there is no alternative to Apply a constraint expressed in SQL with no JDBC parameters

Restrictions.sqlRestriction("{alias}.col3& " + value + " = " + value);

I tried using NativeQuery like the below sinppet where value is the parameter passing to the method:-

String sqlString="select * from myTable where col1=3600 and col2=true and col3&"+value+"="+value;
        Query query=getSession().createNativeQuery(sqlString);
        List<userDefClass> results = new ArrayList<userDefClass>();

For the above logic ,I am getting below error:-

"java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to com.pkg.userDefClass java.lang.RuntimeException

query.getResultList() is passing list of objects but not list of userdefClass objects.

ALso I tried using Typed Query but it is throwing SQL Grammer Exception.I guess its not parsing the bitwise '&' operator in the SQL String.

Please help.


query.setResultTransformer(new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(userDefClass.class));

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