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How to concatenate variable and string in laravel

我想将 select_teacherActivity 与变量 $week_no 和变量 $activity 连接为一个词

 $Activity->description = $request->input('select_teacherActivity".$week_no.".$activity');

if you want get a string you should use concat operation '.' 'select_teacherActivity".$week_no . $activity; this should work if $week_no and $activity sting or there have implemented toString magic method.

There are multiple syntax errors in the code shared:

All opening quotes should close with the corresponding type of quote:

'select_teacherActivity" //Wrong
'select_teacherActivity' //Right
.". //Wrong
."".//Right (but unnecessary) 

There is also have a stray ' at the end. Full code:

$Activity->description = $request->input('select_teacherActivity'.$week_no.$activity);

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